Mediation & Family Law
Family Law Mediation
We provide a confidential, affordable and expedient way to assist parties in working to resolve their Family Law issues without needing to start a costly and lengthly Court process. Mediated agreements can address Parenting Issues, Support Issues, Property Issues and Divorce.
Family Law
- Parenting Schedules & Decision Making
- Child and/or Spousal Support
- Property Division / Equalization
- Matrimonial Home Issues
- Divorce
Family Law & Mediation Lawyer
About Nexus Mediation & Law
At Nexus Mediation & Law, we focus on working with our client's to find solutions to their Family Law Issues.
We believe in the power of mediation to shift conflicts into opportunities for understanding and settlement. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through this journey of working towards productive discussions, advancing resolutions and finding outcomes that work for you and your family.
Mediation is a process which allows the parties to work toward a negotiated agreement in an informed and safe environment without the need for costly and adversarial litigation. Matthew works with his clients so that they understand their rights and obligations under Ontario’s Family Law legislation and achieve results that will benefit them long after the mediation is concluded.
Matthew has extensive legal experience having drafted pleadings, motion materials, mediation agreements, conducted Trials, Appeals, Motions, Conferences, Mediation and Questionings, and more. He prides himself on using his knowledge to avoid unnecessary litigation whenever possible to save his clients’ time and expenses.
Family Law & Mediation Legal Team
Meet the team
Matthew Newton has resolved countless files since being called to the Bar in 2012. He knows that every family is unique and he works with his clients in a goal-oriented manner to ensure that they are provided with strategic legal advice that is appropriate to their situation and their desired outcomes.